Aree naturali del wwf

Oasi di Orbetello

Orbetello Lagoon Oasis was established in 1971 when Fulco Pratesi and Hardy Reichelt discovered a small breeding colony of the Italian Cavaliere, a bird specie that was considered extinct at the time.

The Oasis covers an area of 870 hectares within a Special Conservation Zone between Albinia and Orbetello.

Visiting Orbetello Oasis allows for a close observation of thousands of birds, including ducks, herons, geese, cranes, flamingos, stilts, raptors, and numerous passerines. Among the coastal wetlands, Orbetello represents one of the most significant Italian lagoons, where unforgettable scenes can be witnessed daily, such as the flight of pink flamingos and brilliantly colored ducks, occasionally “interrupted” by the passage of a marsh harrier, or the elegant movements skimming the water’s surface of the black-winged stilts.

One can listen to the characteristic bisyllabic song of the stilts or the incessant calls of geese gathering at sunset to rest in the most sheltered part of the lagoon. Orbetello Oasis also offers the opportunity to fully appreciate the charm of wetlands, where the vegetation and calm waters of the lagoon change color with the shifting warm winter lights.

The oasis is home to a splendid pair of ospreys that nest on a specially constructed artificial tower, as well as a unique colony of common terns and whiskered terns.

Oasi di Burano

Burano Lake oasis was the first WWF Oasis in Tuscany. It covers the area of more than 400 hectares and consists of a brackish coastal lake (separated form the sea by sandy dunes) and the neighbouring territory.

Being a wintering place for many species of birds, this lake’s perimeter is crossed by a path with numerous observation points and is much appreciated by those who love bird watching or love to take pictures of animals in their natural habitat.

In the past this lake was a game reserve (where even Puccini came), but now it is possibly the best example of the coastal territory of Maremma region with its variety of flora and fauna. Inside its Mediterranean scrub one can find many sedentary species of this area but also a large number of migratory species.

The visits are organized by WWF.